Monday, March 17, 2008

Enterprise Search - Foundation for integrating Information & Context

For a Business Intelligence guy it is a little strange dipping my toe into the world of Enterprise Search, but for some strange reason it keeps surfacing to the top of my search queries on Google. I'm starting to think that the typical web browsing session will closely mirror how information workers should be able to access corporate data.

It really should be that simple, open up your browser, enter in a couple keywords that describe what information you are looking for, hit the enter key, and presto you have access to the accumulated knowledge of the organization on your screen. Maybe you are describing something that is called something else... Your browser gently suggests a couple like terms (synomyns) that you can click on to expand your search.

According to studies, information workers can spend up to 25% of their time trying to find information. If we could easily quantify what the value to the organization of reducing this time spent by only 5% we would have an ROI that would convince anyone to fund an enterprise search initiative. Worse yet, up to 40% of the time the information worker can't find all the information they require.

The true value of Business Intelligence is unleashed when it is integrated as much as possible into the processes and daily tools of today's professionals. This means that we need to provide a 360 degree view of the business task or problem at hand to make the people turning this information into action as effective as possible. This is the promise of Enterprise Search, the Google-like functionality that makes information a tool rather than something you collect.

Until next time,


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